Thursday, June 2, 2011

Something of my Mother's

Memorial Day hit me hard this year. It wasn't a weekend of celebration for me, it was a time of remembering.  Remembering those who I have lost.  Sad because my Mother's birthday fell over the Memorial Day weekend, how fitting.

 When we buried my parents ashes, my brother gave my Father's wedding ring to me. I wear it on my middle finger, right hand , every day-I never take it off..  It serves as a reminder, it makes me feel closer to my dad.  My sister was given my mother's rings.  She doesn't wear jewelry, but treasures them just the same.

  My father's ring is with me everyday to remind me of my Father, but I have nothing of my Mother's. I grew sad to think that memories and photos had to sustain me, I had nothing physical to hold on to, or to look at to remind me of her, unless I went to the photo books and searched.  I missed her more!  I wished I had something.

Tears filled my eyes a lot that weekend. But then as I was readying myself for bed one night, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and  I saw for the first time what I had overlooked..  I did have something of my Mother's.   Of her four children, I was the only one who inherited her blue eyes! There they were, looking at me and  I knew I would forever have something of my Mother's.